- The concept of Equality in Islamic Thought
- Islam: Justice and Politics
- Morality in Public Life: The Challenge Facing Muslims
- The Media, Islam and the West
- Portraying Islam; Fighting Prejudice
- A Non-Violent Struggle – The Alternative to Suicide Bombing?
- Islamic Movements and Social Change
- Iqbal and the Challenge of Reform
- The ‘Values’ Approach to Islam
- Islam and Confucianism: Ethnic Relations in Malaysia
- Encounters between Religions and Civilizations
- Shaping a Global Ethic: The Role of Islam and the Muslim Community
- Quo Vadis: The Dialogue of Civilizations
The thirteen articles author has chosen embody some of his deepest concerns about the Muslim community and humanity at this juncture in history. Global hegemony which impacts directly or indirectly upon Muslims everywhere is partly responsible for the spread of terrorism and the growth of bigotry within the community. It also explains why a siege mentality which has strengthened the hold of exclusive minded, conservatively oriented religious leaders upon a significant segment of the community, has become more pervasive in recent years. While global hegemony and other forces external to the community have shaped its outlook, there are also internal factors that have molded its thinking on religious issues. The religious elites developed a mutually beneficial relationship with the political elites of the day as they worked hand in glove to perpetuate their power. Certain conservative notions of the place of women in society, the role of non-Muslim criminal code can be traced back to this matrix of power forged by an incestuous religious-cum-political nexus. The articles in this book show how the overwhelming authority of the religious elites has given rise to a situation where prescriptions and prohibitions contained in Islamic jurisprudence are sometimes more readily accepted by the Muslim mind than the more universal principles enshrined in the Noble Qur’an.
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is both a social activist and an academic. He is the President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), and International NGO based in Malaysia, which seeks to critique global injustice and to develop an alternative vision of a just and compassionate civilization guided by universal spiritual and moral values. Chandra is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Malaysia Foundation. Chandra is the Noordin Sopiee Professor of Global Studies at the Science University of Malaysia (USM) in Penang. He has published extensively on civilizational dialogue, international politics, religion, human rights and Malaysian society. The author and editor of 25 books in English and Malay, many of his writings have been translated into other languages.
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