Beyond September- 11 and the Enlightened Moderation (Occasional Paper No. 5)
Dr. Husnul Amin obtained his PhD in Development Studies (with further specialization in political Sociology) in 2010 from the International Institute of Social Studies (The Hague). His dissertation concerned the genesis and proliferation of post Islamist intellectual and social political trajectories in Pakistan. He was awarded pos-doc fellowship program of the Freie University Berlin and the European Commissions, hosted by the Berlin Gradate School Muslim Cultures & Societies (BGSMCS) during his research stay, March 2013-July 2014, and research stay at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA (October 2015). Under his supervision, four PhD and 30 MPhil scholars have successfully defended their dissertations, others are in submission stages. His main areas of research and teaching include: religion and politics in the Muslim world; Islamic social movements and post-Islamist trends; conflict, peace and development; neoliberal globalization and contemporary Islam, and international political economy. A select list of his articles were published in Journals of repute such as Romanian Journal of Political Science; Journal of Islamic Studies; Hamdard Islamicus; Pakistan Perspectives; Pakistan Journal of History and Culture; Pakistan Journal of Criminology, Historicus etc.
Dr. Amin is currently the Executive Director of the Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue (IRD), and Associate Professor at the Department of Politics & International Relations, International Islamic University, Islamabad. He can be contacted at [email protected]
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